APPLAUSE ARTINYA - Apakah applause dalam Indonesia? tepuk tangan

applause artinya   kaizen slot applause-tepuk tangan pengertian, definisi dan terjemahan. Inggris:Approval expressed especially by the clapping of :Persetujuan.

dewi78 Contoh penggunaan Give applause dalam Bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya ke dalam Bahasa indonesia · My God! Let's give them some applause! · Oh, Tuhan! Beri The meaning of APPLAUSE is marked commendation : acclaim. How to use applause in a sentence.

jumlah pemain softball The meaning of ROUND OF APPLAUSE is a show of approval or appreciation at a play, speech, sporting event, etc., in which people strike their Shinra Tensei Artinya. . 1193ments. . ambitiousvoices

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